A short walk with local ecologist Ben Timmings discovering Bribie Island carnivorous plants.

Our beautiful island is home to a total of 12+ species of unique and intriguing carnivorous plants. Some laying dormant in the dry summer sand, only to spring forth in winter and spring in a rush of colour, others capturing prey with lightning fast subterranean traps while luring pollinators with flamboyant blooms, and others can be seen thriving year round. Come and explore the sandy swamps in this 45 minute meander, to discover this hidden savage garden

What to Bring
Sun and insect protection, drinking water, good shoes for walking (waterproof is preferred as sections of the track can be wet).

The time and location may vary. Ticket holders will be notified of any changes by email.


Supported by

Date and Time
Saturday 19 October
10.00am - 11.00am

Meeting Point: Corner of Grice Court and Ningi Waters Drive

$15 + small booking fee. Capacity 15 people. Bookings essential.


How to get there